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Mini Presentation #2

Utwórz Storyboard
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Mini Presentation #2
Storyboard That

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Tekst Storyboardowy

  • Hi! My name is Abida. I am a second grader at Roosevelt Elementary School. I immigrated to California From Iraq when I was 3 years old. I am a monolingual / preliterate student who only speaks Arabic. My three older sisters have to be called in to help translate for me when the teacher is giving homework. I can understand a word in English when spoken to slowly, but people often talk too fast for me to understand a sentence. I always feel bad when I try to speak English because I don't say the words well, so I often have to point at things to tell the teacher what I want.
  • Because I don't speak English, I don't have many friends. I do play with a few of my classmates on the monkey bars and swings, but they have other friends and play games that I don't know the rules to. I like playing soccer, but because I don't know how to say that I want to play too, I get scared. Since I've been bullied in the past and I don't really want to interact with other kids I don't know, I would be considered a "rejected child". That's why I only feel comfortable interacting with people when I'm at home. My sisters and permissive mom are supportive, but my authoritarian dad isn't as warm and pushes me to learn English like the rest of my sisters.
  • As Abida's teacher, I can support her English learning by speaking slowly, repeating words and phrases while using physical examples, and incorporating poems and songs in her language in lessons. I can support her socially by setting up group discussions in class with her friends, incorporate playing soccer as a class for a lesson, and letting her tell her story through her sisters acting as her translator, should she want to.
  • Hey! My name is Alonso. I am a second grader at Roosevelt Elementary School. Even though I'm only 6 years old, I read chapter books 4th graders are reading. My authoritative parents read books with me for as long as I can remember. Because of that, I have a big vocabulary encompassing over 15,000 words, and love asking my parents what new words mean. I talk to my friends and try to use those words when I talk with them, even during class when I'm not supposed to.
  • I am a pretty popular kid. I can get along with anyone easily, and I always have a funny quip to get other kids laughing. Don't tell anyone, but I get a lot of my jokes from comics I read! Sometimes though my jokes go too far and hurt other people's feelings. That's when I have to talk to them and apologize because I didn't really mean it, and I'll try harder not to make jokes about them and other people.
  • The best way I can support Alonso linguistically is to continually challenge him to find new words. He already reads at a high level, so it would be good to pinpoint words and phrases that he will use in the future, including future school content. Socially, I can support him by giving him opportunities to practice empathy. It can be difficult for a 2nd grader to do, but showing him that his actions hurt other people would be good character development.
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