The Incredible WaterGirlVolume 34Saves the Water Cycle
solid liquid gas
Ms. Waterhouse (secretively known as the superheroWATERGIRL) is taking her grade 5 class to the Vapor Waterfall to learn about the water cycle.
The water cycle is a continuous cycle in which water evaporates, travels through the air and forms a cloud, falls to earth as precipitation, and than evaporates again. It's a never ending cycle, that is constantly moving and changing states(Solid, Liquid, Gas).
Why is Tommy sleeping again??
The Evil Dr. Ice is planning on destroying the world by mixing together his secret potion to permanently turn all of the earth's water into a solid form called ice. If the water cycle is disrupted all life on earth will die.
...after i mix this potion the world will freeze...and no one can stop me!!HA,HA,HA
Ms. Waterhouse, what is that man doing to the water??
oh, no...I need to stop Dr. Ice from freezing the water cycle!!
Ms. Waterhouse sneaks away from her class to change into her WATERGIRL costume so she can stop Dr. Ice's plan to destroy the water cycle, and save the world.