I give consent to both of you to take part in this study.
I love video games!
Procedure- 1st condition
This is a study to investigate whether computer-generated games depicting a lot of violence affected children and whether they affected boys and girls differently . 84 children from 4th and 5th grade (44 males,40 females)
procedure-2nd condition.
Four toys in the room following the condition to measure the level of agressive play( quiet toy, agressive toy,skillbased toy,a sport toy)
Results&Conclusions .
The children enter experimental room in pairs-randomly allocated in high aggression,low aggression,control.One played game,the other observed-for 8 mins.Experimenter observed score.
Players go to the toy room,play what they liked whilst experiments sorted some things (but was recording what they played with,how long-for 8 mins.Observers to another room-measure of interpersonal aggression.
GIRLS: measurable consequences(playing&observing)on girls behavior.BOYS:not affected. GIRLS&BOYS:playing or observing not affect behavior in relations to interpersonal measures/agression