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Kdo je bil Malcom X?

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Kdo je bil Malcom X?
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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Sporna, razdvojena, ikonična: Malcolm X (1925-1966) je bila ključna oseba v afriško-ameriškem gibanju civilnih pravic. Zagovornik črnega nacionalizma in ugledne figure v islamski državi Malcolm X je postal znan po svojih zgovornih in artikuliranih obtožbah rasne neenakosti v Združenih državah Amerike.

Storyboard Tekst

  • MALCOLM X ​ Controversial, divisive, iconic: Malcolm X (1925-1966) was a key figure in the African-American Civil Rights movement. An advocate of black nationalism and a prominent figure in the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X became famous for his eloquent and articulate indictments of racial inequality in the United States of America.
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