I have received a pipe of what passes for Amontillado
As I am having a good time, I'm drinking and talking to people. Montressor comes up to me with a big smile. He made conversation with me and as we are talking he mentions something that peaks my interest. The amontillado.
Lysbilde: 2
I must warn you the vaults are damp
The cold is nothing, Amontillado!!
He invites me to get the Amontillado in his vaults and I am more than happy to go with him. He tells me about his damp vaults but I shrug it off and tell him it's nothing. We get on with it and head to his vaults for the Amontillado
Lysbilde: 3
He takes me down to the vaults and we start walking and talking. He told me the pipe was further on. He turned to me and said Nitre as a question and I replied back Nitre. I then start coughing aggressively. He suggested that we go back but I shut that idea down and tell him that the cough was a mere nothing and that we should keep going.
Lysbilde: 0
Ugh! ugh! ugh!—ugh! ugh! ugh!—ugh! ugh! ugh... no no the cough is a mere nothing i am fine lets keep going
We should go back, its not safe for your health. You are rich, respected, admired, beloved and your happy if you die you would be missed dearly