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Wniosek Akapit

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Wniosek Akapit
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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Szablon konspektu akapitu podsumowującego | szablony do pisania esejów

Storyboard Tekst

  • Summary of Supporting Details 1
  • Topic Sentence
  • Idea #1
  • Idea #2
  • Summary of Supporting Details 2
  • Idea #3
  • Conclusion Paragraph Outline
  • Restate idea #2.
  • Restate idea #3.
  • Summarize the main idea of the supporting details for idea #1.
  • Restate idea #1.
  • Summarize the main idea of the supporting details for idea #2.
  • Summarize or rephrase your thesis statement.
  • Summary of Supporting Details 3
  • Closing Sentence
  • Summarize the main idea of the supporting details for idea #3.
  • Give the reader a sense of closure or something to consider.
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