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Printable Traffic Jam Story with Pictures | Being Flexible Social Story

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Printable Traffic Jam Story with Pictures | Being Flexible Social Story
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Sosiale Historieoverganger Leksjonsplaner

Sosiale Stories for Overganger og Uforutsette Hendelser

av Natasha Lupiani

Personer med autismespekterforstyrrelse trives med rutine og struktur, men rutine er ikke alltid mulig. Noen ganger oppstår en overgang eller en uventet hendelse og endrer en rutine. Å inkludere sosiale historier om vanlige kommende overganger og uventede hendelser kan bidra til å forberede elevene og redusere angsten for endringer.


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Special Ed Social Stories for Transitions. Create your own social stories!

Storyboard Tekst

  • We aren't moving.
  • Traffic Jam Ahead
  • We are still not moving.
  • Traffic Jam Ahead
  • Now we are moving!
  • Sometimes there are traffic jams and the car won't be able to move as quickly.
  • This is where patience is important.
  • The traffic could be for different reasons, including construction.
  • Once you are past the reason for the jam, traffic should be move again.
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