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Warning: Do not record copyrighted materials (background music, movie or tv clips, etc.)

Create your own at Storyboard That

Put the states together like a puzzle before you label! You may have to resize or overlap a little, but that's okay. Oh, and don't forget to delete me before you make the rest of your poster!

Hint: Once you have put the pieces together, you should lock them so they don't accidentally move when you are labeling! Just click on the image, and click the picture of the lock next to the filters tab!

You may also delete the states and use this map instead!
Toggle Right Hand Menu

Rotate:   Flip Horizontally Flip Vertically title= Rotate 90° Right
Layers: Bring Forward Bring to Front Send Backwards Send to Back
Edit:   Copy Stretch to Fill Crop Delete
Erase Lock Position Unlock Position

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