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Europeans Arrive


Civil War

The Boll Weevil

The Olympics

Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto is the first European to arrive in the land that is now Georgia.

On January 2, Georgia is the 4th state to be admitted into the Union.

Georgia joined the Confederate states during the Civil War. Many major battles took place in Georgia, the most significant being in 1864. General William Sherman marched from Atlanta to Savannah, destroying much of what was in his path.

The boll weevil is a beetle that feeds on cotton buds and flowers. In 1921, the boll weevil arrived in Georgia from across the United States, dramatically decreasing cotton production over the next several years.

The 1996 Summer Olympics, also known as the Centennial Olympic Games, were held in Atlanta, Georgia.

History of Georgia

Mon Jan 01 1540 7:52:58 DOPOLEDNETue Jan 01 1788 7:52:58 DOPOLEDNETue Jan 01 1861 7:52:58 DOPOLEDNESat Jan 01 1921 8:00:00 DOPOLEDNEMon Jan 01 1996 8:00:00 DOPOLEDNELegendaČasová Přestávka132 Years {years} Roky a 364 Dny

Georgia became a state in 1788. It was the 4th state.

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