Et edderkoppkart er et verktøy som gir en visuell ramme for elevene å bruke. Noen ganger kalt et konseptkart, et edderkoppkart har en hovedidé eller et hovedtema i midten, eller kroppen, av diagrammet. Hver detalj eller undertema knyttet til hovedideen har sitt eget ben eller gren rundt hovedideen.
“‘My idea is that if we can win this battle in front of us, and get a firm hold of the country, then I will institute a sort of order of chivalry… I shall make the oath of the order that Might is only to be used for Right.’”
Fair and just; naive and lacks the backbone to confront his wife and Lancelot about their affair; develops a new code of chivalry based around might only for right, and tries to wipe out “Force Majeur”
Strong; fair hair; an open face with kind eyes; dressed in a King’s robe of velvet; has a son with his half-sister, Morgause, who is named Mordred.