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Aristotelese Elulugu

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Aristotelese Elulugu
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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Aristotelese elulugu | Aristoteles oli esimene, kes liigitas inimteadmiste valdkonnad eraldiseisvateks distsipliinideks ja lõi formaalse loogilise arutlussüsteemi. Tema avastused ja tööd panid aluse filosoofiale, teadusele ja teistele tänapäeval eksisteerivatele uurimisvaldkondadele. Aristotelese panus astronoomiasse ja teadusesse on tänapäevalgi maailmas mõjukas.

Storyboard Tekst

  • ARISTOTLE Aristotle was the first to classify areas of human knowledge into distinct disciplines and to create a formal system of logical reasoning. His discoveries and works laid the foundation for philosophy, science, and other fields of study that exist today. Aristotle's contributions to astronomy and science are still influential in the world today.
  • It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. 
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