TOP LEVEL MANAGERTop-level managers are in charge of setting goals and expectations for their team. The top level manager (s) usually consist of one or a small group of people that run the business. The top manager displayed in this example is communicating his goals for the company to the middle level manger. The goal is to fabricate 1,000 pairs of women jeans this month.
Lysbilde: 2
Middle Level Management Middle-level management is in charge of carrying out the company goals and planning. Also, they are in charge of making sure employees are doing their job if not reporting it to the top-level manager. They play a crucial role in making the goal possible and making sure employees are being efficient. Here the middle-level manager is relaying the goal and how it is going to get done to her team
Lysbilde: 3
First Line Management First-line management ar on site managers that are in charge of day-to-day activities such as managing workflow, managing workers, checking quality, and reporting back to top-level management and middle-level management. The first-line manager is seen supervising the companies employees to be sure they are working efficiently and reaching the company's goal.