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Toto was once feeling cold so he jumped into a kettle with warm water but slowly the water started to boil.

He slowly started to boil but when he tried coming out he felt very cold so he stayed in there. There was no one at the home to take him out and save him.

But grandmother came in at the right time and saved Toto from dying, but he still was half boiled so she immediately consulted a doctor and he said he'll pay a visit to see Toto's condition.

There is no need to worry he'll be all fine because you took him out at the right time.

Ohk doctor thank you for coming and checking on him

The doctor came by and checked Toto to see if he's going to be alright, and he was it was just a little rash that he had but grandmother had a thought in mind so she called grandfather right away.

Honey I don't think its a good idea for us to keep Toto anymore.

Oh! why what happened?

Today I went outside for shopping and when I came back i saw him boiling but thank god that at least I could save the poor soul.

Oh! ohk I'll sell him back to the tonga driver.

Hey will you like to buy him back? Me and my wife are not able to handle him.

Sure but I'll only pay Rs. 3 to you.

Grandfather sold the monkey back and returned home.

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