No ill pass and you should to Tom you have a d1 offer
I know Tim but there is no way im going to get caught though so I will go.
scene 2
scene 3
Let me get this on my snapchat and other social media .
Tom is the one with the red shirt and has a D1 offer for basketball and Tim is his best friend. Tim is trying to convey Tom from not going but he doesn't listen and goes instead.
Scene 4
Did y'all see Tom
Yeah I heard some schools might take away his offer
They all arrive at the house ad then start to smoke, drink, and pop pills and they are all underage
Scene 5
We have decided to take Toms offer for basketball at this school.
Bob uploads the picture of them drinking and popping pills to every social media site now every one can see and Tom is in the picture.
Scene 6
We are very dissapointed in you Tom I taught you must better then that
Yes we did and now your scholar ship got revoke because of a stupid decision you made.
Everyone saw the picture of Tom drinking and schools are talking about taking away Toms offer.
All of the schools Tom got a offer from took those offers from him because of the decision he made.
Toms parents kick him out the house and later on Tom went to a juco college.