Hello. I am Catherine. Today, I bring to you a true incident about two of my royal cousins - Oliver and Melody
Oliver is 15 years old and lives with his grandparents, parents and twin sister - Melody in a huge palace. He is the young prince of Genovia.
I will help you. Don't worry, take me to her.
One morning, while examining the city, Oliver comes across a man....
Why are you crying sir?
My daughter......is in the....hospital. She got smitten by ...... a kidney problem because of her ...addiction of Junk food. I am old ..... and poor. I do not have money for her operation
You may go to room 32.
How can I help you sir?
How do you know her?
We want to meet a patient - Jennifer.
She is my daughter
In room 32.....
Hello Mam....How is Jennifer
53 BPM
As I have told you earlier, she needs an operation soon. please pay $5,000 as soon as possible
What are you doing here, OLiver?
Prevention is better that cure!!!!
I am a volunteer here. I will explain the rest at home. Please do not tell anyone about this.
Healthy Life, Long LIfe
Eat HealthyDrink HeathyLive HealthyDie Healthy
I came to meet the old man's daughter. Any way, what are you doing here?