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'Charles' Short Story

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'Charles' Short Story
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  • How was school today?
  • What did he do? Who was it?
  • It was Charles. He was fresh. The teacher spanked him and made him stand in a corner.
  • All right. The teacher spanked a boy, though. For being fresh.
  • All through the week, Laurie tells his parents how bad Charles has been.
  • Charles was bad today!
  • The PTA meeting's next week again. I'm going to find Charles' mother there.
  • Yes, I did...
  • Did you hear...
  • It was so...
  • Who is Charles' mom?
  • See you next time!
  • Goodbye!
  • See you soon!
  • Why didn't anyone apologize for their son's behavior?
  • Exposition and setting: Laurie heads off to his first day of school. “The day my son Laurie started kindergarten…” (line 1) This is also the setting because Laurie starting kindergarten is a time and his house is a place. "... Laurie started kindergarten..." (line 1) "...came home..." (line 7)
  • There was no falling action in the story!
  • Inciting Incident: Laurie's mom asks Laurie about school, and he tells his parents about a boy named Charles who misbehaved. ‘ “It was Charles,” he said. “He was fresh. The teacher spanked him and made him stand in a corner. He was awfully fresh.” ‘ (line 21-22)
  • We don't have any Charles in the kindergarten.
  • Rising Action: Laurie tells his parents about how Charles misbehaves the rest of the week. “Today Charles hit the teacher.” ...Wednesday...Charles bounced a see-saw onto the head of a little girl...Thursday Charles had to stand in a corner during story-time because he kept pounding his feet on the floor...Friday Charles was deprived of blackboard privileges because he threw chalk.” (line 25-42)
  • The End!
  • Rising Action: Laurie's mom plans on meeting Charles' mom at the PTA meeting. ' "The PTA meeting's next week again,"..."I'm going to find Charles' mother there." ' (line 108-109)
  • She was the main character.
  • Rising Action: Laurie's mom goes to the meeting to meet Charles' mom. "At the meeting I sat restlessly, scanning each comfortable matronly face." (line 133-134)
  • I want to know who Charles is.
  • Climax: Laurie's mom doesn't find Charles' mom. "No one stood up in the meeting and apologized for the way her son had been acting. No one mentioned Charles." (line 135-136)
  • Falling Action: There was no falling action in the story because the climax was to close too the resolution. ' "Charles?" she said. "We don't have any Charles in thekindergarten." ' (line 152-153)
  • Resolution: Laurie's mom discovers that there's no Charles. ‘ “We don’t have any Charles in the kindergarten.” ‘ (line 152-153)
  • The next boxes have the setting, point of view and character, conflict, and theme.
  • The point of view was first person. The main character was Laurie's mom. "...my son...I watched...I asked..." (line 1,2,13)
  • Primary Conflict: Laurie's mom wants to know who Charles is but her son is actually Charles. "...I wanted passionately to meet Charles mother..."We don't have any Charles in the kindergarten." (line 67-68, 152, 153)
  • Theme: If you don't tell the truth you will eventually be found out. ' "Charles?" she said. "We don't have any Charles in the kindergarten." ' (line 152-153)
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