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Vaihda Yhden Solun Tila

Varoitus: Älä tallenna tekijänoikeudella suojattua materiaalia (taustamusiikkia, elokuvia tai tv-leikkeitä jne.)

Luo oma kello Storyboard That

Character vs. Society

character vs. self

Character vs. character

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Supernatural

Character vs. technology

Sophie is running for stuCo president but she has to make a speech in front of the whole school. But the whole school has to vote for her to be able to become stuCo president. Mrs. Krier is wondering who voted for Sophie.

Reagan is trying to decide weather she wants to go to California or weather she wants to stay with her mother. Reagan's mother Karli doesn't want to decide for Reagan.

Kynlee has a soccer game at 2:30 pm but its a against another team, kynlee is talking about how she is going to win the game. Kynlee thinks that the other team could win but kynlee also thinks that the other team will loose.

Reagan and Sofia were going on a road trip but while they were driving a tornado came out of no where! They are stranded and have no where to go. They tried to drive away but there car is out of gas!!

Melanie was scared to go out of her room because she saw a ghost. Melanie thought the ghost was going to get her, she didnt know what to do but just sit there and think of all the things that could happen to her.

Mrs. Vinatieri was watching tv and a group of robots came out of the tv, Ready to attack!!!

Vote For Me! I want to become StuCo president for the better of it!

Who voted for her?

Do I stay or should I go to California!!

I honestly dont know, choose the option that goes best with your heart.

we are going to win!

Woop woo


Oh Noo

Ohhh noooo

What do I do!

Beep Boop Bop


Beep boop bop

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