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Daedalus and Icarus

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Daedalus and Icarus
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Storyboard Tekst

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • I am a father, my name is Daedalus and I have a son named Icarus. We are in a high tower in the middle of an island. We are sadly prisoners and we are trying to escape. It might be difficult though when there's a lot of guards around us, and when we are in the middle of god knows where.
  • Climax
  • Me and my son are both prisoners, we try to make some plans to escape but each one of them has a downfall. Then we came up with and idea, we tried to think about the downfall but it was possible that it can be avoided.
  • Falling Action
  • After coming up with and idea and thinking straight, we had finally gotten to a conclusion. I got some wings and put it on son using some wax. I teached my son how to fly and let him go, but before I did I had told him to not fly up to high since the wax can melt over the sun.
  • Resolution
  • I watched as my son flew. I looked away for some seconds and when I looked back again, I no longer saw my son behind me. I started freaking out I look everywhere but no sign of him. I then heard a faint scream it was my son. I started screaming out his name calling for him. I then look up to see a few feathers slowly falling down, followed by my son falling down and falling to the ocean.
  • I I quickly went towards my son. I went near him and got him in my arms. I felt a warm tear roll down my face. My son had now died.
  • After my son died I buried him in the same island. I had decided to name the island after him. I will forever miss him but I would have to move on.
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