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Decline of feudalism

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Decline of feudalism
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Storyboard Tekst

  • The Decline of Feudalism
  • TheDecline
  • The Decline of Feudalism
  • of Feudalism
  • The Bubonic Plague
  • u
  • Magna Carta
  • u
  • Hundred Years' War
  • The bubonic plague is a disease that killed around 25 million people. It led to the end of feudalism because so many people died, so there was a desperate need forpeasant workers.This diseasespread rapidly through infected fleas.
  • The Crusades
  • The magna carta was an agreement between the nobles and monarchs. It was first drafted to make peace between an unpopular king and a group or rebels. The agreement led to the end of feaudalism
  • The hundred years' war was a series of battles between France and England over control of the french lands. Europecreated better military technology and tactics that permanently changed warfare in Europe. The 2 countries had no need for knights as they had raised professional armies. The common people were needed for work and gained power. These led to and end infeudalism
  • The crusades was a series of attacks against the muslims in Jerusalem in an attempt to take back the holy land. Many knights died, so people got scared and fled. This led to a shift in power, and the end of feudalism
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