Hey there! Let's learn about some challenges the elderly face and how we can be more empathetic towards them.
Scene 1 (Laura)
I'm feeling great! I just had lunch with some friends. It was a fun time!
Hello, how are you doing today?
Scene 2 & 3 To Be Developed...
This is the initial navigation screen for the simulation. The simulation contains three embedded scenarios, which are visualized by the three doors in this scene. The user will choose each door to immerse themselves in a role-playing simulation with a specific character. For diversity purposes, the user must select each door to complete the simulation. Refer to the detailed PowerPoint storyboard for further information.
This is scene 1 of the three scenes in the simulation. This is Laura's scene. Laura is an 87-year-old Caucasian female who is stopping at the pharmacy after lunch with some friends. Refer to the detailed PowerPoint storyboard for further information.
Rosa and Jamal's scenes (Scene 2 and 3) would be developed on this storyboard in a similar fashion to Laura's Scene 1. For this small-scale design experience, development of all scenarios is not required.