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History Assessment

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History Assessment
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Storyboard Tekst

  • Geographic features
  • Wow I never new they would do something like this even know we are different for the people.
  • Most of the planters in the south here swiched their crops from tobacco to a mixed crop.
  • yes you are correct the planters said it also create changes for the woman here at the plantation.
  • Political
  • yes you are right there shoud be no slave and should be treated the same.
  • we need to pass a law that would make it so slavery ends.
  • I agreae with you two slavery should ends for the best of the people.
  • Economic
  • With the planters now having cotton farms the population of slaves went up.
  • I know the population was only seven hudred thousand slaves but now its up to four million slaves now
  • I know the planters are going to keep buying more people of are kind and make them slaves.
  • Cultural
  • I hate how people look at us when we in church it like we don't have an rights like the whites do.
  • I know but we have no countrol over peoples opinions so we have to let it go.
  • look at those slave they dont belong in a church they are not like us.
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