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Problem Solving Story Board

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Problem Solving Story Board
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Storyboard Tekst

  • 1. Define the problem
  • Uh I don't think we're moving anymore
  • Thank you captain obvious
  • 2. Analyze the problem
  • 3. Think of all possible solutions3. Think of all Possible Solutions
  • Ok so what are our options
  • 1. We can wait for someone to help us for free2. We can wait for a tow truck to come and help us3. We can try digging the wheels out ourselves
  • So far, this is what we've come up with
  • While driving on a beach in North Carolina, we realized that we weren't moving anymore.
  • 4. Analyze the solutions4. Analyze the Solutions
  • Alright after thinking about it, options 1 and 2 are the most viable at the moment.
  • Alright, I agree
  • After analyzing the problem, we concluded that our wheels were stuck in the sand.
  • 5. Select the best solution
  • Can you guys help us?
  • The possible solutions were digging out the wheels ourselves, waiting for a tow truck to come and help us, or hoping that someone sees us and helps us get the truck out
  • 6. Plan your next course of action
  • Thank you guys!
  • After carefully analyzing our solutions, we decided to either wait for a tow truck, even if it was the most expensive, or hope for someone else to help us were the most viable options because we didn't have any equipment to dig out the wheels.
  • 1. We can wait for someone to help us for free2. We can wait for a tow truck to come and help us3. We can try digging the wheels out ourselves
  • After a little, we saw a tow truck and decided to get them to help us since it would be the faster option.
  • Sure!
  • We ended up paying them to help us get out of the sand, and we went on with our beach day..
  • No problem! That will be 450 dollars
  • Yeah, Yeah...
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