Once upon a time, in the futuristic world of the UAE, there lived a young boy named Zaid. In this society, everyone was expected to conform, to follow the same rules, wear the same clothes, and even think the same thoughts. But Zaid was different. He had a curiosity that couldn't be contained, a desire to explore and learn beyond what was permitted.
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Despite the pressure to conform, Zaid continued to pursue his interests secretly. He spent his free time reading books from the forbidden library, where stories of individuality and self-expression ignited a fire within him. As he delved deeper into these tales, he began to question the rigid structure of his society and longed to break free from its constraints.
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One day, Zaid stumbled upon an old man who lived on the outskirts of the city. The man was unlike anyone Zaid had ever met – free-spirited, unafraid to express himself, and fiercely independent. Inspired by the old man's way of life, Zaid found the courage to embrace his own individuality.