This concept, known as adaptation, is the result of a process called natural selection over the various generations of different species of finches.
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Throughout the years, finches have undergone mutations, which are changes in their genetic material, in order to adapt to the changes of the Galapagos Islands.
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They were compelled to adapt and evolve in order to survive and reproduce. Had they not changed quickly enough, they wouldn't have been able to endure extreme events like the strong El Niño of 1982. Only the individuals best suited to the harsh conditions were able to survive such natural challenges, a concept known as "Survival of the Fittest."
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The finches found on the Galápagos Islands rely on various types of seeds as their primary food source, with each species adapted to consume different kinds based on availability. Despite the diversity in their diets, all of these finches share a common beak structure that is quite similar across the different species. This similarity in their beaks highlights their shared evolutionary origins, even though their feeding habits have evolved to take advantage of the distinct seed types present in their specific environments.
Natural selection is the process that organisms, such as the finches from Isabela, have undergone to modify their genetics over time, allowing them to better adapt to their environment. This evolutionary mechanism has enabled the finches to develop traits that help their survival and adapt in the unique conditions of their habitat.
As can be observed, they are smaller in size, and their beaks are straighter, specifically adapted for consuming the small seeds and plants found on Isabela Island. Due to their larger size and different beak shape, it is much more difficult for them to eat this type of food as easily.
This led the Galápagos finches to undergo microevolution, a process in which a population experiences changes in genetic frequencies over time. As a result, the finches have become diverse, varying in everything from their overall sizes to the shapes and sizes of their beaks. Through this evolutionary process, they have adapted and evolved, leading to the distinct differences seen among them today.