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Unknown Story
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Storyboard Tekst

  • The Franklin's Tale
  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • Bye!!
  • I'm in love with you Dorigen
  • The Franklin's Tale is the twelfth story in the Canterbury Tales. In this story we meet Dorigen, Arveragus, Aurelius, The Magician, Aurelius' Brother, and Doreen's friends.
  • Climax
  • A knight, Arveragus, falls in love with the Lady Dorigen. Although it seems improbable that could be together since she is of noble birth, she agrees to marry him because of his love and honorablilty. When they are married, they both promise to not control each other and allow as much freedom as possible as long as it doesn't bring shame on their name.
  • Falling Action
  • You're free.
  • After a year of marriage, Arveragus goes away to find wealth and good reputation. Dorigen becomes very sad while he's away and her friends try to cheer her up. Eventually Dorigen goes on a picnic with them. While on the walk, she notices the cliffs near the shore and becomes worried that her husband will die just like the many other sailors. While at the picnic her friends started to sing and dance but Dorigen didn't join. Aurelius, a young squire who has loved Dorigen for many years, saw Dorigen alone and decided to take his chance and confessed his love to her. At first she laughed but once she realized he was serious she told him that if he removed all the rocks near the shore then she would marry him.
  • Resolution/Lesson Learned
  • jAurelius is not optimistic about completing the task Dorigen gave to him, so he stayed in bed for two years, too sad to do anything. Aurelius' brother recalls hearing about men who can create illusions, magicians. Aurelius gets excited and the two set out to find one. Eventually they do and the magician agrees to help with the payment of one thousand pounds. Once the illusion is made, Aurelius goes to Dorigen and tells her that the task is completed and reminds her of her promise. Dorigen goes home distraught and cries over what to do. While she's crying, Arveragus returns and she tells him everything. Not wanting her to be called a liar, he advises her tokeepher promise.
  • Dorigen goes to Aurelius and tells him she will keep her promise. When Aurelius sees how upset she is, he takes pity on her and scolds himself for putting her in that position. He releases her from her promise and allows her to go back to Arveragus.
  • Aurelius goes to the magician and asks for more time to pay him. The magician asks how he's enjoying being with his new wife and Aurelius tells him what happened. The magician tells him to keep the money because one honorable act deserves another in return. The lesson learned here is to never make a promise you can't keep.
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