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Religion storyboard

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Religion storyboard
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  • God created a covenant with Abraham
  • I'll accompany you to the new land and give you a wonderful promise.
  • I trust and believe in you.
  • Abraham and his family set off for the Promised Land. Abraham's descendants led up to the Israelites.
  • The Israelites in Egypt with Joseph. God told Moses to set the Israelites free. The Israelites were led by Moses out of Egypt.
  • The Israelites complained about their shortage of food to Moses. Happily, God provided for them by sending manna.
  • We would prefer to be enslaved in Egypt than to suffer in the desert!!
  • Moses and the Israelites camped on Mount Sinai. The 10 commandments are given by God to Moses. People became impatient and began to worship a false God.
  • They arrived in the promised land forty years later. Unfortunately, Moses died just as the people were about to enter.
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