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Water scarcity TED TALK

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Water scarcity TED TALK
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  • All my life i have been told to save water, it was an important thing during my childhood, then I stopped caring and also stopped hearing about it for a while, now I am in the middle of a water scarcity crisis in my country, many states are in drought and it is quickly reaching to us if it has not already.
  • Have you ever asked yourself, when will we run out of earth's most valuable resource?
  • Edwin Iriarte Hernández A01707247
  • I have and let me tell you it is sooner than you may think so...
  • When I watched the news and saw that Monterrey and other states in México were suffering scarcity of water my worries rised.
  • Then I found out that Queretaro (the state that I moved to recently) was going through this and the situation is getting worse.
  • The tension begins when we recognize this concerning issue as a growing global problematic.
  • We also know that by 2050 water demand will increase 60% at this pace so we also need to worry for the next generations.
  • Only about three percent of Earth's water is freshwater. Of that, only about 1.2 percent can be used as drinking water; the rest is locked up in glaciers, ice caps, and permafrost, or buried deep in the ground.
  • There are 326 million gallons og water in this planet so that 1 percent is little more than 3 million gallons for almost 8 billion people.
  • This might be one of the most testing challenges in the next few decades for humanity.
  • As dreadful as things might seem we haven't lost yet and we still can put up a good fight to day zero. With the rising of technologies and awareness of SDGs things seem to get better.
  • You can prevent a severe drought in your city just by using only 50 liters a day.
  • The main intention of this journey is for you to leave with this knowledge and use it to assure a good life quality for your future children or for every living being in our blue dot.
  • Whether you like it or not we all are part of this so lets beat day zero!
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