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Empathy Comic Strip

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Empathy Comic Strip
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5d Empathy Lesson

Storyboard Tekst

  • Yes, sure!
  • At Haya's Home
  • Salam Amina, do you want to play a game with me?
  • Respect Others
  • At Amina's Home
  • Haha, you just got the question wrong. You are so bad at this game, Haya.
  • Hmph
  • I can't believe Amina would say that.
  • Respect Others
  • Meanwhile Amina thinks about her actions
  • Oh no, Haya left. It must have been what I said. I shouldn't have done that. If someone told me that I was bad at something, I wouldn't be happy either. I should always treat others the way I want to be treated, like the prophet used to. I think I'm going to apologize to Haya.
  • What does empathy mean?
  • Salam Haya, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. If someone said that to me, I wouldv'e felt sad, too. Will you forgive me?
  • Of course I do! You had empathy for me and you understood how I felt.
  • Salam!
  • I have to go now. Salam Amina!
  • To have empathy for someone means to share their feelings, which is what you did towards me.
  • Thanks, that makes a lot more sense.
  • Respect Others
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