A stranger once told me, about a land that time forgot. There were trees, and birds, and lakes. One could feel the heat of the sun, and the moist of the rain... but it was a colorless place. Nobody knew what a rainbow was.
A strange meeting
In this gray place, lived a boy. A curious boy. He always dreamed about different lands, and always felt, deep in his heart, that there has to be more to life
The story
The boy used to love walking in the woods and stare at the river. The sound of the water the breeze running between the trees spoke to him about faraway places... he did not mind the rain too much.
The fairy land
The boy came back to his home, all wet and cold... when suddenly, he heard a weak tap outside the door. As soon as he opened it, a strange being went right inside.
The bonfire of vanities
-Please, let me stay, while the storm passes.- said the strange being. -Sure, -muster the boy- Come sit by the fire, and tell me all about yourself. If you don´t mind my saying, you look very strange.
-Yes, -the being said- I suppose you don´t know anyone like me. It has been too long since we have gone away- Who went away?-the boy asked.- Let me tell you a story, about how things became like they are.
There was a time when these lands were part of the realm of the fairies. The land was full of colorful nature, and the fairies were responsible for making sure that there were balance and harmony.
But one day, they were invaded with pride. They started to compete for praise from all the living things. And then, they started to fight for power.
Sad situation
What can be done?
A life for a life
No compromise
So, one by one, the fairies killed one another. And with them, all the magic, harmony, beauty, and color were gone. So I left. And with me, the memory of what once was forgotten.
Shattered reality
What a story you have told me. But I cannot understand how things can be different than they are? We have everything we need: food, shelter, and peace. I often dream about something different. but I don´t know, how could it be?
Just because you don´t see it, does not mean it cannot exist -the being said.- It takes courage to leap into the unknown. But first, for something to begin, something else has to end...You must take my heart, and bury it on the riverbank, so your land can return to what it was.
New beginning
No. -the boy said- I will not do that. Because nothing good can come from taking a life. I would turn into a monster. And that is too high a cost.
Lesson learned
Suddenly the ground started shaking and a huge noise was heard. And with a bang, the being disappeared in a halo of light.
The boy got out of the house scared out of his wits. He ran as fast as he could... and after a while, he stopped... and he realized things were not as they used to be.-What is going on in here, and why do I look like this?
Hello, it feels so nice to return.-Who are you?-The boy asked-And what is going on?- I am the Queen of Faries. When we filled our souls of pride and greed, I lost my power, and became the being you met. Your willingness to give up riches and fame to spare my life returned the light and magic to the land
So now we have a second chance... hopefully, we will do things right this time. So care about all living beings, no matter how small. Live in harmony with nature, and a better world will grow.
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