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Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 5 Gender Equality)

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Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 5 Gender Equality)
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  • Do you ever wonder how equal men and women are?
  • Sometimes,but I have never really cared that much about it.
  • There have been differences in our society that separate men and women from doing certain things
  • Yea but I've already heard it all before,blah,blah,blah women don't get what they want so they get mad,big deal.
  • No,women don't have a fuss and then just cry about it,they stand their ground.
  • There have been 27 billion women that were excluded from doing the same jobs as men,now that is sexist
  • Yea but I've already heard it all before,blah,blah,blah women don't get what they want so they get mad,big deal.
  • Well,uh, what about dragons
  • Yea but I've already heard it all before,blah,blah,blah women don't get what they want so they get mad,big deal.
  • Yea but I've already heard it all before,blah,blah,blah women don't get what they want so they get mad,big deal.
  • I'm not a mathematician but I am pretty sure dragons aren't real.
  • Oh.
  • Well do you have any proof?
  • My point is,women shouldn't be treated lower than men,in fact,they should be treated equally
  • Well yea,"Women would be held to higher standards in the selection process because their leadership potential would be less likely to be recognised than men's".
  • Well, What even jobs that men and women are both judged for?
  • Well,jobs like dancers,pharmacists and choreographers or more typically jobs for women
  • And jobs like brokers,buthers and IT engineers are typically jobs for men
  • Why are women always being pushed around?
  • Yea but I've already heard it all before,blah,blah,blah women don't get what they want so they get mad,big deal.
  • Yea but I've already heard it all before,blah,blah,blah women don't get what they want so they get mad,big deal.
  • Well yea,"Women would be held to higher standards in the selection process because their leadership potential would be less likely to be recognised that men's".
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