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Swadeshi movement

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Swadeshi movement
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  • Swadeshi movement was a self sufficient movement that was part of the Indian independence movement and contributed to the development of Indian nationalism.
  • Boycott British goods
  • The Swadeshi movement will give prefererence to local products.
  • Buy Swadeshi goods.
  • Mahatma Gandhi took a pledge to boycott foreign goods by burning 150,000 English cloths at Elpinstone Mill Compound, Parel, Mumbai on 31 July 1921.
  • Swadeshi means producing necessary items in one's own country using them for one's use without being dependent on imported goods. I believe that use of Swadeshi goods would make us self sufficient eliminate our dependence on imported goods.
  • YES
  • In 1905, the charkha became a symbol of the Swadeshi movement - a part of the Indian Independence movement aimed at disbanding the British Empire by making the citizens of India more self-reliant.
  • The charkha or spinning wheel as an important tool for political emancipation, by using it as a metaphor of 'ancient work ethics' and as a symbol of economic and social reaction to the British Rule. It is in the daily life where dharma and practicality come together and the spinning wheel was the realisation of this possibility."
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