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Sir Steals-A-Lot arrives at Castle Boat RV Storage to steal batteries, fuel, and catalytic converters....
It was just then that Sir Curity arrived, and stopped him in his tracks!
Sir Curity proceeded to escort Sir Steals-a-lot outside the castle where he was met by the local police department.
The good kings Dan and Ryan laughed and laughed at Sir Steals-A-Lot as well as all of the peasants, for they had both had the wisdom and courage to build a castle when others doubted them, and they continued to rake in a fortune and build many castles in many kingdoms, much to the dismay of their enemies.
And they lived happily ever after! The End!
Hehehe, I bet this place is ripe for the picking. Probably has shitty security like the last few places I've burglarized. And the cops don't do anything!
Not on my watch scoundrel, now out with you!
I'm so glad I listened to you and went to look at that property on Sunday King Ryan, we are filthy rich and having an amazing time!
Couldn't have done it without you buddy, thanks for believing in me when others didn't!