Avertisment: nu înregistrați materiale protejate prin drepturi de autor (muzică de fundal, filme sau clipuri TV etc.)
Physical/Character Traits:
What challenges does this character face?
Does this character cause challenges to others? If so, what are they?
Physical/Character Traits:
What challenges does this character face?
Does this character cause challenges to others? If so, what are they?
Physical/Character Traits:
What challenges does this character face?
Does this character cause challenges to others? If so, what are they?
Physical/Character Traits:
What challenges does this character face?
Does this character cause challenges to others? If so, what are they?
Physical/Character Traits:
What challenges does this character face?
Does this character cause challenges to others? If so, what are they?
Physical/Character Traits:
What challenges does this character face?
Does this character cause challenges to others? If so, what are they?