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Človek Proti Tehnologiji

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Protagonist mora premagati stroj ali tehnologijo.

Najpogosteje je srečanje s strojem ali tehnologijo skozi lastno početje lika. Na primer, lahko gre za tehnologijo ali stroj, ki so ga ustvarili, kupili ali imeli v lasti z domnevo, da jim bo olajšalo življenje.

Sčasoma mora protagonist premagati tehnologijo - v nekaterih primerih jo celo uničiti, preden jih uniči.

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Človek Proti Tehnologiji
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Beschrijving

Znak Vs. Tehnologija. Ilustrirajte konflikt v literaturi s stripi!

Storyboard Tekst

  • I-droid Store
  • Now only $99.99 a month!
  • The protagonist must overcome a machine or technology.
  • Most often, the encounter with the machine or technology is through the character's own doing. For example, it may be technology or a machine that they created, purchased, or owned with the assumption that it would make their life easier.
  • Over time the protagonist must overcome the technology - in some instances, even destroying it before it destroys them.
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