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Jeff Kramer

35 Washington Street

St. Louis, MO 63109

Dear Jeff,

Hi there! I hope you are having the best summer! My family and I are having the best time exploring the West, and right now we are in Nevada.

We just visited the Hoover Dam and it was so cool and I learned so much. I learned that the Hoover Dam was built between 1931and 1936, and cost over 45 million dollars. The purpose of the dam is to control flooding, agricultural irrigation, hydroelectric power, and water supply. Did you know that the hard hats that are used everywhere today were invented specifically for the workers who built the dam? The dam is 726 feet high and 1,244 feet long and was named after Herbert Hoover, who was the president at the time construction began.

I can't wait to hear all about your summer when everyone is home! Have fun!

Your pal,


Welcome to Nevada!
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استدارة:   الوجه أفقيا الوجه عموديا title= تدوير 90 درجة اليمين
طبقات: إحضار إلى الأمام اجلب للمقدمة إرسال إلى الوراء إرسال إلى الخلف
تصحيح:   نسخ Stretch to Fill تقليم حذف
محو الوظيفة القفل فتح الوظيفة

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