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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Storyboard Tekst

  • Jesus' Ascension
  • The Holy Spirit will come, you'll be my witnesses!
  • Returning to Jerusalem
  • What are you waiting for? Jesus WILL come back in the same way he left.
  • A New Disciple
  • I wonder who God will choose?
  • He will be a great disciple!
  • Just before Jesus leaves, he tells the disciples that the Holy Spirit will come upon them. Then he ascended into the sky - Acts 1:8-9.
  • The Entrance of the Holy Spirit
  • What is happening!?
  • After the angels had told the disciples to go, they had returned to Jerusalem, where they stayed in an upper room - Acts 1:11-12.
  • Peter Addresses the Crowd
  • Listen! We aren't drunk, we are telling you the truth!
  • In the room they prayed about who would replace Judas. The casted lots and Matthias was chosen as the new, twelfth, disciple - Acts 1:23-26.
  • The Baptisms
  • Still inside the room, the disciples feel and hear a strong, gushing wind filling the room. This was the Holy Spirit, which formed above the disciples as tongues of fire. They then began to speak in different languages - Acts 2:1-4.
  • People outside the building heard the commotion, Peter taking the opportunity spoke to them about Jesus' promises. The people thought the disciples were drunk, but soon found out they weren't. They heard what the disciples had to say and the people believed them - Acts 2;12-13 & 37-38.
  • They're drunk, they don't know what they're saying!
  • The believers asked what they should do to repent. Answering, Peter said for them to be baptized in Jesus' name. They were also promised that their children would be blest with the Holy Spirit - Acts 2:38-39.
  • I baptise you in the name of the Father, Sun and Holy Spirit.
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