In this scene, a lord of the manor has gotten sick it has spread to his leg and has infected it . His “doctor” has come and brought him some medicine which is a herb. In the Middle ages, they did not have any scientific knowledge that the medicine will heal the disease but they based their medicine on their beliefs and superstitions. Click to Edit Description
In this part of the scene, the doctor was kneeling next to the bed and praying to God to let the lord live and not die. She was also praying for if he dies that he goes to heaven. In the Middle Ages, they believed in that if you got to church regularly, if you give money to the church, and if you follow the sacraments that you will go to heaven
In this part of the scene, the priest of the manor is coming to the lord to do one of the sacraments: Anointing of the Sick. In which, he is taking holy water and putting it on the lord. He will also bless him and pray to God to keep him alive or go to heaven.
In this part of the scene, the lord is by himself and it shows how sick he is, he is coughing, vomiting, and is sneezing a lot.
In this part of the scene, 2 knights come to take the lord outside to get ready for surgery. In the Middle Ages, they had nothing else that they could so to stop the infection so they just did surgery to cut it off.
In the last part of the scene, it shows the lord's leg getting amputated. There would be a lot of blood and a lot of screaming because they did not have any pain medicine. The lord could easily die from blood loss but luckily he does not.