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Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds is an award winning 2017 novel. Poignantly written in free verse, it is about a young man faced with a difficult decision. Will Holloman has grown up knowing the Rules of his neighborhood: #1 No Crying, #2 No Snitching, #3 Always seek revenge on the person who has hurt someone you love. After he sees his only brother shot and killed, he feels compelled to follow rule number 3.

Will is 15 and was hanging with friends when shots rang out: his brother Shawn had been killed. Their mother is beside herself with grief. Will is too, but he can't cry: that's Rule #1. When policemen ask questions, they remain silent. That's Rule #2. Will thinks about Rule #3 and discovers a gun hidden in his brother's middle drawer. He takes it and goes find Carlson Riggs.

Riggs was Shawn's friend and a gang member. Will is positive he's the killer. In the elevator, Will presses L for Lobby. On the next floor, a man gets on. Will is shocked to see Buck, Shawn's mentor who was shot and killed. Cigarette smoke fills the elevator. Buck wants to check on the gun he gave Shawn. One bullet is missing. A young woman gets on: Dani, his childhood friend. Dani was killed when she was 8 by a stray bullet. Dani asks, What if you miss?

Will's Uncle Mark gets on, his dad's beloved brother whose life was cut short when he was killed. Next, Will's father, Pops, gets on. Will was told Pops died of a broken heart. In truth, Pops avenged his brother's death and then was killed in retaliation. Will feels like he should follow the rules like his father. Pops reveals that it was all in vain. He killed the wrong man. Will's father embraces him and suddenly pulls the gun out of Wills hand and puts it to his head!

Will is so scared he wets himself. Next, a young man named Frick gets on. Buck recognizes him as his killer. Frick had been trying to rob Buck and accidentally killed Buck. Shawn loved Buck like a brother, and after Buck’s murder, Shawn killed Frick. Will is certain that Riggs killed Shawn and believes it was to avenge Frick's death. But Frick says, Who? Doubt creeps in.

The last person on the elevator is Shawn. Will embraces his brother and confesses his plan to kill Riggs and how scared he is. Shawn surprises Will by crying. Will was always told to follow Rule #1 and never cry, but seeing his brother cry makes him realize that maybe the Rules are wrong. The elevator reaches the lobby and the doors open. Shawn turns to Will and asks, you coming?














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Way Down

By Jason Reynolds

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