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Animal Rescue

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Animal Rescue
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  • WOOF!!
  • I see it, but why are you doing that? The dog might be dangerous and we would get hurt.
  • Logan! Look it's a dog! It doesn't look like it's with anybody, so why is it here?*makes clicking noises*Don't be so worried Logan, The dog won't hurt us. I know he won't. I have a strong feeling that this dog needs our help.
  • Katherine was a girl who was in her freshman year of high school. After school, she loved going to the beach and watching the water. It seemed to soothe her. It was the Friday of the first week back to school and she went to the beach like she did everyday after school since she was in sixth grade. This time, she went with her friend Logan. Her and Logan were watching the water when they heard a dog barking behind them.
  • His paw is bleeding. Logan, do you have something we can wrap his paw with? We don't know how long his paw's been bleeding so we need to stop it.
  • My dad used to be a veterinarian and he taught me what to do if an animal is bleeding. It's really not that big of a deal.
  • I might have something, let me check. How do you know this much about dogs anyways?
  • That's cool. I don't have anything though. Is there anything else we can do?
  • The teens spend a little while trying to get the dog to come close, but he didn't move. He sat there like he wanted to move, but he couldn't. Logan wouldn't let Katherine get any closer, so she sat on the ground so she was on the dogs level. Katherine wanted to help the dog really badly, but Logan was afraid the dog was dangerous. Katherine had a strong feeling that the dog needed them to help him, and she wasn't going to give up.
  • Wait! I have an idea! Since we don't have anything to wrap his paw with, we should clean out his paw with some water.
  • I completely forgot about that! I think I have a scarf in there from winter. I'll grab it and then we should definitely take him to the shelter so they can get him the help he needs.
  • That's a good idea Katherine! Your backpacks behind the big rock. Do you have anything in there we could use?
  • A few hours passed and it was starting to get dark. Katherine was becoming inpatient and she wanted to help the dog. Logan kept telling her no, but she wasn't listening. She walked toward the dog, and Logan grabbed her shoulder. Together they walked toward the dog and put their hands out. The dog sniffed their hands and then sat down. The teens looked around the dog and noticed its paw was cut and bleeding.
  • That should help. I hope he can get the actual help he needs when we get him to the shelter. I hope we did enough.
  • Katherine, you have been so good with helping this dog. You really understand how to help animals. Have you ever thought about carrying on what your dad did and be a veterinarian? I think you would make a wonderful vet because of how you were so gentle and calm with the dog. Let's get him to the shelter and what do you say we go get some celebratory ice-cream?
  • The teenagers checked to see if they had something in their pockets that could help temporarily stop the bleeding, but they didn't have anything. Katherine tried to think of something else they could use to stop the bleeding, but she couldn't think of anything at the moment. A few minutes later, she thought of something that might be able to help them.
  • The teens ended up washing the cut on the dog's paw out with water and then wrapping it with a scarf from Katherine's backpack. The teens also decided that they were going to take the dog to the local animal shelter so they can help the dog with his paw and make sure he's not left out in the wild again. The dog should have a good home in no time once the teens write about the dog for the dogs shelter description.
  • Logan complemented Katherine on how well she handled the situation and how much she knew about helping dogs. He found it amazing that she knew they had to clean out the dogs cut and wrap it with something to stop the bleeding. Logan was very grateful that Katherine was there to help the dog because he knew that he could never do that on his own. He would be scared to even go near the dog, let alone help him.
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