The story of Toswiah Green, a young African American girl, and her family Shirley, her mother, her sister Cameron and her father Jonathan, They are now living in Denver Colorado.
i forgive you.
Now they had to leave there home town, and went to a different town an had to go away from people who was trying to kill them. change their identities and leave no trace of their past life. Toswiah becomes Evie. Evie Thomas life was ok before her dad witnessed a murder. " Her dad decided to testify, so then she and her family were moved into the witness protection program. In the new place, she has problems with friends and school. She wants to be popular but she isn't "
Falling action
what going on ????!!!!
the move to a new town somewhere in the Northeast has already happened, and Toswiah (now Evie) and her family are learning to deal with it. Toswiah/Evie switches between what is happening in real time and memories of her life in Denver.
I am going to college
Each family member handles the identity crisis in a different way. Mama turns to religion, while Toswiah/Evie finds running Cameron, now called Anna, devotes herself to her schoolwork so she can go to college early. The dad sits by a window all day, just staring at the window.
The Dad started to become sad, Tosiwah was looking at the dad and mom tring to take the knife, and the mom was getting worried and some of the teenagers want her to pay attention to the race instead of that.
Toswiah sister is going to college, but Tosiah doesnt want her to go because she doesn't want her to be alone,and she didnt want to left behind because it will be her and no one else.