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Unknown Story
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  • No, you would've hit it anyway!
  • Actually, according to the third law of motion I wouldn't have crashed into the building.#160;
  • I wouldn't have hit the building if you wouldn't have crashed into me and gone at such a fast speed!
  • No.
  • The what law?
  • Ok, come and I'll explain.
  • Newton's Laws ofMotion. Have younever heard of them before?
  • Newton's Third Law states that for every action there is an equal reaction. The momentum from Karen's car made my car run into the building.
  • Ma'am would you mind explaining the other 2 just for future knowledge.
  • Katie gets in a car crash with Karen. Karen hit Katie so hard that she ran right into a building.
  • Oh my dear! I'm so sorry.
  • Yes, of course! The first law is known as the law of Inertia. It says that an object in motion stays in motion or an object at rest stays at rest until an unbalanced net force acts upon it. Inertia is the tendency to resist any change in motion. For example, I left my car in park where it was at rest but your van came at a high speed and acted as an unbalanced net force to put my car in motion and crash into the building.
  • While the tow trucks pick up their cars, Katie tries to explain how this isn't her fault to the police officer.#160;She mentions Newton's First Law and finds out that none of them have heard of it.
  • The second law states that a net force acting on an object causes the object to accelerate in the direction of the force. that is why force equals mass times acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity over a certain period of time. For example, if you wouldn't have pressed the pedal so hard, your car wouldn't have been forced to go into mine.
  • Katie proceeds to explain to both the officer, and Karen about Newton's Third Law of Motion.
  • Thank you for explaining! I still need to take more notes and we need to find the owner of this building.
  • Yeah thanks for explaining and I'm so sorry!
  • The officer asks Katie to explain the other 2 laws that way he and Karen can understand better.#160;
  • Katie starts to explain both laws and gives examples that way they can understand better.
  • They both thank Katie and then go to talk with the owner of the damaged building.
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