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computer science
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Storyboard Tekst

  • not again
  • beginning 1
  • the world is going to end
  • the world is going to end
  • the world is going to end
  • maybe we should leave
  • beginning 2
  • do you want to leave now
  • yes please
  • the world is going to end
  • middle 1
  • a couple going out for a stroll and they see someone yelling
  • middle 2
  • the world is going to end
  • they then discuss about leaving somewhere else
  • end 1
  • they crazy wizard is at the same place as them again
  • end 2
  • i guess this is our life now
  • the world is going to end
  • couple leaving again
  • lets go
  • again the man is there
  • finally accept the man is always goinf to follow them
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