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Untitled Storyboard
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Storyboard Tekst

  • Dia: 1
  • Initial Situation
  • After Links father leaves his Family for a receptionist, his mother finds another boyfriend. This boyfriend wasn't the best choice for the family. He abuses Link and his sister.
  • Dia: 2
  • Homelessness
  • After his sister movedout and his stepfather didn't improve, Link decides to make his self homeless.
  • Dia: 3
  • Ginger
  • Hey! I can show you how to survive on the street!
  • One day, Link meets Ginger. Ginger is a streetwise who teaches link how to survive on the streets.They get to know each other and get good friends.
  • Dia: 4
  • Shelter
  • Shelter is an Ex-Soldier. He has been kicked out of military for beingmentally unstable. Link and Ginger first met him, when they were begging forsome money. Shelter was annoyed. He hates homeless people and made it hisdestiny, to help the society and kill all homeless people.
  • Dia: 5
  • Gingers Disappearance
  • I had an accident! Your friend, Link, he has injuries!
  • One day, Ginger wants to visit some of his old friends. As he left Link,Shelter tells him, that he had an accident and hit Link. He told Ginger thatLink is now at his place. Gingerfollows him.
  • Dia: 6
  • The Search for Ginger
  • Hey Link! Wanna come in and have a drink?
  • Is this the murderer of Ginger? Whats is going to happen?
  • After Ginger does not return, Link thinks, that he left him and thatGinger never really liked him. One day, Link met nick. Nick told him, thatthere are many homeless people missing and that he suspects Shelter. Link setsoff now and searches Ginger. As he meets Shelter in front of his house, Shelterinvites him to come in.
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