The story begins in a villa located in Laburnam, around the year 1902. during a cold rainy night in the country, Mr. and Mrs. White sit in their parlourwith their son, Herbert. Mr. White and Herbert are playing a game of chess and Herbert appears to be winning.
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There was a knock at the door, as the whites opened the door they were surprisedto find Sergeant-Major Morris. The sergeant tells the whites about an enchanted monkeys' paw, Mr. White quickly finds interest in the paw. Sergeant-Major Morris warns the Whites that this talisman is cursed, but Mr. White ignores
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Mr. White was convinced by his song Herbert to with for 200 pounds. Later on they all retire to bed and in the morning Herbert goes to work. Mr. and Mrs. White notice a man pacing in front of their fence gate. The man finally builds up the courage to walk up to the door. After the introduction is over, the man breaks the news to Mr. and Mrs. White that their son is dead and they are compensated with 200 pounds.
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Where's the monkey's paw? Wish for our son to come back! Wish! Wish for my baby to come home!
Mrs. White is riddled with grief and just wants her son back. Then it hits her, if the monkey's paw killed her son, it can surely bring him back. With this new idea, she wakes her husband up and orders him to get the paw and wish their son back to life. Reluctantly he gets the paw and wishes Herbert alive again. After a few hours there's quiet knocks on the door, MR. White is terrified, but Mrs. White is determined to get her son back
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Falling Action
Darling, help me get the lock. I can't reach it!
Where's that paw?!
Mrs. White rushes to get the door, believing it's Herbert finally coming home from the cemetery. Mr. White doesn't want that thing in the house, he knows it won't be the same Herbert, the Herbert they had before he died. It couldn't be. Mr. White falls to his knees in search of the paw. When he finds it, he makes his third and final wish. Just as he quietly whispers the last wish, Mrs. White wrenches the door open and gasps in disbelief, and grief.
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*Violently sobs*
This story concludes with Mrs. White, riddled with grief standing in the doorway. Mr. White was relieved that the thing knocking at the door was gone. The lamp post radiated dim light across the empty street.