The British captured american sailors and forced them to join the british military while trying to recruit their own soldiers back, this was called impressment.
Please sir, I am not a runaway, I live here
The british supported and supplied Native american resistance. hoping to slow westward expansion. Tecumseh was the leader of the rebellion on the native's part.
Finally we will have our land back at once!
You must take these weapons given to you and fight any american to any extreme you feel necessary
War hawks were westerners who called for war against Great Britain.
I agree we have been quiet too long, we need to go to war.
I've had bout enough, it's time to call war
British forced burned parts of Washington D.C.( capitol building and president's mansion- Dolly Madison saved national treasures)
It's on fire everything will burn!
Let's leave before anyone tries to catch us
The battle of Thames was won in Canada where American forces defeated British and native American forces. This battle resulted in the death of Tecumseh, a powerful native leader.
Tecumseh is injured!
This is for taking our land!
Kill them all!
The Treaty of Ghent officially ended the war leaving no clear winner and no territory changed hands.