Now, participants will go to playrooms in order for me to observe if they were influenced by the aggressive behavior they watched.
I will try to frustrate the children in order to instigate aggressive tendensies...
Real Life Aggression
Human Film Aggression
We are trying to look for "imitative aggression", "mallet aggression", "nonimitative aggression", "aggressive gun play", and "partially imitative responses"
Human Film Aggression group there were 92 instances of aggression observed in children
Cartoon Film Aggression group there were 99 instances of aggression observed in children
Control group there were 54 instances of aggression observed in children
Results showed that in the...
Real Life Aggression group there were 83 instances of aggression observed in children
Also, boys were more aggressive than girls.
This condition was similar to the first condition; however, participants were placed alone in the playroom, without a model present.
This condition was the same as the one previosuly explained. However, it was presented to participants through a film in a projector.
Human Film Aggression Condition
This condition was the same as the one previosuly explained. However, the model was a cat and it was a cartoon.
Cartoon Film Aggression
Control Group
This condition was similar to the first condition; however, participants were placed alone in the playroom, without a model present.