At Ingolstadt, Victor's initial interest in science becomes an obsession upon studying chemistry and physiology. Victor becomes fascinated with the creation of life, and begins going to graveyards to dig up decomposing bodies and use parts for experimentation.
Dia: 2
Victor's experimentation leads to the creation of freakish monster. Victor becomes disgusted and afraid of what he has done, and abandons the monster.
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"I had never yet seen a being resembling me, or who claimed any intercourse with me. What was I?"(chpt 13)
Revenge! Compassion! Acceptance?
Left at his own fate, the monster seeks acceptance from anyone, but only faces rejection. Enraged, the monster kills Victor's brother and winds up finding shelter in the woods within the DeLacey's hovel. The monster gains knowledge from admiring the family, which prompts him to confront Victor once again. They meet at the Alps, and the monster claims that Victor should admit his faults, take responsibility for his actions and show sympathy. The monster pleads for Victor to create a being like him.