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Migration Pull and Push Factors

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Migration Pull and Push Factors
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Storyboard Tekst

  • Conflict
  • Seeking Asylum is a human right!
  • What is going on? Why is everyone protesting? 
  • We are from asylum seekers from a neighbouring country. There is too much war and it is not safe for my daughter, so we were forced to move!
  • Refugees are human beings!
  • Natural Disasters
  • That hurricane destroyed my house! Sir, what am. I going to do!
  • You need to migrate as soon as possible. Find a temporary living space outside of this country.
  • Drought
  • I know! It is because of this drought! Two of my farmer friends have also migrated last week and I am going to migrate with them.
  • None of my crops have grown for months! The rations are so low! I don't know how much longer I can survive until I have to sell my farm and migrate!
  • If you migrate, I am going to migrate too. We can both search for better land. These living conditions are unhealthy!
  • Education
  • Son, are you sure you want to leave the country. Our country is experiencing so much brain drain and you are so smart!
  • Mom! Look at all these good schools out of the country!
  • Family
  • I need to move right away! My father is sick and I want to spend as much time with him as possible while he is still here. I will move into his house with him.
  • Job Opportunities
  • My dad left the country this morning. He said it was because of his job and he would send my mom and I remittances.
  • Hey! Why are you crying?
  • I really want to migrate mom! These schools have the exact courses that I want to take and I will be able to play on the basketball team!
  • I am so sorry! Just remember he migrated to support you and your mum! You guys probably need the money and he will come back eventually!
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