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The Irish Immigrant Experience

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The Irish Immigrant Experience
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  • Ireland was torn apart by constant warfare, and as a result of this conflict, Ireland's peasant farmers had a hard time growing enough food for people.
  • Already with a hard time growing crops in 1845, a fungus disease affected Ireland's potato crops which decreased their food supply. Many people starved from not enough food and from that in 5 years, more than a million people died.
  • What happened to all the potatoes?
  • They were just fine yesterday.
  • From the outbreak of the Potato Famine, many people either died from starvation or immigrated to America in 1845. Many people were torn by the fact they wouldn't be able to see their hometown and for some their families again.
  • What are you doing going to America?
  • We had no food left, my family is starving. They sent me to get a job here.
  • What are we going to do? We have no money we won't be able to survive.
  • When the Irish came over to America they had no money so they couldn't afford houses to live in or buy food to eat.
  • I know, we will have to find some jobs for us.
  • We come all this way just to get a job where we barely get paid.
  • The Americans didn't want the Irishmen to have high-paying jobs so the Irishmen often took jobs that were low-status and dangerous and that were avoided by other workers. Most of the new arrivals worked as day laborers.
  • Well, this is all that they will give us so it's good for now.
  • Irish immigrants lived in tiny, cramped spaces. More than one family would be living with each other. Some people lived in basements, attics, and even allies, or wherever they could find some shelter. Neighbors would even move out if the Irish moved in afraid they would bring crime and disease.
  • We are going to be sharing this house with another family for now until we can get back on our feet.
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