Hello and a Good day to everyone my name is Jimmy, Today I would like to share to you guys about the different types of Electro Magnetic waves found in the electro magnetic spectrum.
I just did some research on the electro magnetic spectrum it is classified from the longest to the shortest wave length.
Hey, John did you know that Radio waves have the longest wave length? They are also transmitted easily through the air. Radio waves are used for communication such as broadcasting television and radio, communications and satellite. They do not cause damage if absorbed by the human body ,and they can be reflected to change direction.
That's a very useful piece of information glad I learned something new today.
I heard that Microwaves are applied in communication but for most people it is know for cooking.
I also heard the it releases millions and millions of tons of carbon monoxide into the environment each year.
Hi Mom and Dad, Did you know that Microwaves have the second longest wave length. Microwaves are also reflected by metal and did you know that the heating effect of microwave radiation was accidentally discovered in 1945
Now I'll be talking about infrared waves ,Did you know that infrared waves have longer wave length than visible light and it can pass through dense regions of gas and dust in space with less scattering and absorption.
Some examples of these are the heat we feel from sunlight and fire. Too much exposure on this can cause damage to eyes and skin.
It is used in many areas of science, such as astronomy, engineering, oceanography, physics, and fiber optics. Popular applications of interferometry in industry include the measurement of small displacements, refractive index changes, and surface irregularities.
The visible light radiation can exert various biologic effects such as erythema, pigmentation, thermal damage and free radical production.
Now it's time for optical waves. So what are optical waves well. Optical waves are combinations of high-frequency electrical fields and magnetic fields in the wavelength range from the infrared through the visible to the ultraviolet light.